French Preschool

Do you know the early years of your toddler are crucial for making them emotionally intelligent and enhancing their cognitive abilities? If your children will be able to gain emotional intelligence in the first five years of life, they will get academic and social success in the future.

Being the parents of toddlers, you must want your child to gain success in every field of life. To make them successful, you have to focus on the emotional intelligence of your children. This article will help you in understanding what emotional intelligence is and how you can help your toddler in gaining it. Let's start with the discussion.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence is our ability to understand our emotions and other people's feelings. It is linked to self-awareness, confidence, optimism, empathy, and controlling emotional instincts.

So, how can you nurture the emotional intelligence of your child? Mom and Dad, let's discuss how you can enhance the cognitive abilities of your little ones.

Ways to Nurture Your Child's Emotional Intelligence:

●     Make your child bilingual:

Do you know bilinguals or multilingual can develop emotional intelligence easily? They know different languages, different cultures, and different ways to express their emotions. So, they can easily empathize with other people and can build healthy connections. They are open-minded and can adapt to different situations easily.

Learning two languages will also enhance their brain powers, and will make them emotionally strong. For it, you should prefer the French Preschool of Brooklyn to enhance your child's cognitive abilities. These schools will make your child bilingual at a tender age which will help them to enhance their social and cognitive abilities.

●     Tell a story:

Storytelling will help you to teach your child about different emotions. You should read a book to your child or simply weave a story from yourself. In the story, give labels to the emotions of each character present.

The story will keep your child engaged and they will better understand the emotions of the characters. Emphasized the words sad, happy, afraid, angry, etc to teach your child about emotions. These words will help them to understand their emotions and elaborate their feelings to others.

In this regard, preschools in Brooklyn can help you. There, teachers will help your child in learning new vocabulary words through storytelling and other academic practices.

●     Let your child play with others:

When your preschoolers play with their friends or siblings, they are practicing different aspects of emotional intelligence. They learn to control their emotions, make social connections, empathize with other people and solve conflicts that occur on playgrounds.

Their mind will remain engaged in different activities which will strengthen their muscles and build important life skills. They will learn how to handle relationships, and how to take the turns.

As a caring parent, you can take your toddler to different playgrounds to let them play with others. And, you can enroll your child in a preschool.

In preschool, your child will remain engaged with different preschoolers and will learn to control his emotions in a social setting. In preschool, well-qualified teachers will help your toddler in understanding their emotions and building social connections.

●     Play games:

Board games, blocks, art activities, solving puzzles, or other types of games will help your child in developing emotional intelligence in a fun way.

Your child will learn problem-solving skills and learn how to cooperate with others. Toddlers will learn how to manage relationships and tolerate others in the play.

Even if your toddler is playing solely, they will still learn to tackle different situations and emotions in life.

As a responsible parent, you can give your toddler different games to play at home. And, you can enroll your child in a preschool where teachers will give your toddler different games to play. In preschool, they can play games in classrooms which will help them to learn and grow mentally.

●     Utilize daily routine incidents:

In your daily routine, when your child is showing tantrums or expressing any other type of emotion, you can catch the moment to teach your child.

For example, when your child is throwing tantrums, you have to understand what your child wants and have to address their needs. If your child is getting upset because his toy broke down, you can empathize with your child by saying "I can understand it is making you upset".

When you empathize with your children, they will learn to empathize with others.

And if your child is excited because of any achievement, you should catch the moment by letting your child express emotions in detail. For example, if your child is drawing, you can ask some productive questions. Asking questions like "Are you enjoying this activity?" or "What is your favorite part?" will help your child to vocalize their emotions.

If your toddlers attend preschool, they will encounter a lot of incidents and will do different activities that will allow them to express their emotions often. Friendly teachers will be with your toddlers who will help your child in exploring their emotions.

●     Become a role model:

So, mommy and daddy, a tough task is here. You are the role model of your child so you have to keep your emotions in control if you want to enhance your child's emotional intelligence.

We can understand that this task is difficult for you. Keeping your emotions in control when you are tired, sick, or having a hectic day is difficult. But, you have to keep yourself calm and have to control your emotions around your toddler. For it, take a deep breath and count from one to ten to calm down your frenetic nerves.

Also, you should be aloud about your emotions around your child. If you are feeling frustrated, say it aloud like "I am feeling frustrated because I am unable to find my socks". This will help your child to label different emotions, and how to control them.

In case you have lost your temper around your child, always talk about it later on. Saying "I am sorry I was frustrated at that moment" and telling them the reason will help them understand negative emotions and teach them the idea of how to control them.

Developing your child's emotional intelligence is a tiring task so you can take the help of Preschool in this regard. They will help your children to become emotionally mature while building their academic foundation.

Explorer Studio is an excellent choice for parents who want to nurture their children's emotional intelligence in a science and art-filled language immersion environment.

This French and Mandarin Preschool in Brooklyn focuses on making your child bilingual, helping them in expressing their emotions, and teaching them social and emotional skills through fun activities. The warm and nurturing environment will let your child flourish. You can contact them for more details and to enroll your child in the best Preschool in Brooklyn.

Wrap Up:

Making your child emotionally intelligent at a tender age is crucial as it is the foundation of their successful social and career life. You, along with the help of preschools, can fulfill this task. If you follow the points mentioned above, you will start seeing a positive change in your toddler's attitude soon.


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